Saturday, October 16, 2010

day 16 - home away from home.

A weekend for the soul. I was whisked away for a weekend of healing and laughing and all is being done while knitting, sewing, and creating art. I have much to blog over the next few days, as the days have been filled with more beauty than I could ever had hoped for.

I worked in my journal late at night, while giggling with the girls over some topics not fit for the blogging world.

My adorable Girl crush took me to breakfast, where we sat and had tea and pancakes, knitting and chatter. It was a slice of heaven.

this was the most amazing breakfast I've had in a long time...
the company was just as perfect as the food.
I am off to sit at my sewing machine while the girls and I have a silly sewing bee, I shall sigh contently at the very thought of it.

enjoy your Saturday night...
xx Courtney

1 comment:

  1. Sooo jealous of your perfect weekend. Enjoy the time out with your lovely friends.


Thanks so much for the lovely comments! it makes my day to know that Im not babbling to myself!
Ink and Love