Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Snippets

Playing along with Tinnie Girl in her Sunday snippets. Today has been a long day indeed, the boy leaving at the crack of dawn, and the little ones being rather pushing of mumma's buttons. but alas, here are the pictures from my day...

adding graphite to my girls face, and giving her more defined hair.

I worked on a new journal today for myself..which resulted in me unpacking a box I'd already packed to get to my font stamps.

that simplest thing like the curl on my girls forehead...
elijah..playing hide and seek in a cupboard...(before the tantrums lol)
binding my first journal by hand... from scratch.
the cover of the journal...when you fold the covers out to size, its a dripping rainbow, I am slightly in love with her.

so that is my Sunday, Im worn out, drained and a little bit emotional after the day the kids put me through..but its all ok...because I have a new art journal.
xx Courtney


  1. Oh you're journal looks beautiful. I love handmade books.

    Hope the little ones give you an easier time of it tomorrow.

  2. Tease... I wanted to see the whole journal cover ;) It looks beautiful and yummy. I like how your girl is coming along and that little curl on her forehead is just divine. Poor mum and little ones. I hope you all have a nice night and a better day tomorrow.


Thanks so much for the lovely comments! it makes my day to know that Im not babbling to myself!
Ink and Love