Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Artful Journey - Day 18 - new beginnings.

Can you tell I'm tired? when I use instagram as my way of taking my photos, it means I have no energy left to photograph my stuff. So tonight after I packed all day with some dear friends who have made me less stressed, they worked like trojans, getting almost everything packed up for the removalists this Saturday.

I have gessoed a canvas ready for me to start sketching onto it in the coming days....I am nuts can you tell? I'm moving house but I sit and gesso a huge canvas like nothing is happening in my life.

tomorrow I will photograph my easel in its true form..because it needs to be reconized for what it is..amazing.. My dad made me a custom easel, I was sick of leaning big canvases against my desk bookshelf. My darling dad has made me the most beautiful thing ever...complete with flourishes etched into the wood and with love from dad up the top..its one of my very cherished possessions.

and on the art journal front, I started working on my mixed media homework for Jane's class since it was the simplest thing I could cope with tonight after such a day... I gessoed the pages and started sketching but I'm not happy with it, so I think I'll rub it out and start again either tonight or tomorrow sometime during the day in between the last of the packing.
I'm going to curl up in my empty bed (first time without my man in two weeks and read until I know hes home.
pop over to traci's blog to see what shes creating for her get your art on.
xx Courtney

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Thanks so much for the lovely comments! it makes my day to know that Im not babbling to myself!
Ink and Love