Monday morning, the bane of many lives..myself included. Its been one of those yucky sleepless nights the dreaded cold bug hit my house almost two weeks ago now, and I seem to be the only one left with it! So, Im trying to keep myself semi busy so I try not to cough as much, as I sound like a dog losing her bark.
Next week is my birthday, and I'll be another year older probably not so much wiser hehe, but I think I mentioned a post about getting a Mac, my darling man, thought it was time I replaced my poor old Toshiba laptop as she was dying a slow and ever so painful death! I was stupidly excited when he told me he had decided to buy me a macbook pro! I did get it rather early lol, but I adore it. As you saw yesterday I did a you tube vid, which was done on the imovie program. I have spent the morning playing withe the kids, and sorting folders of photos in the iphoto program...many features to take advantage of in that program.
if I get a spare moment today, I shall be working in my collage book. I have an idea for a collage its just finding the time to pull it off. So if the little ones are behaved mummy might get to play in her pens and glue for a little while.
Next week is my birthday, and I'll be another year older probably not so much wiser hehe, but I think I mentioned a post about getting a Mac, my darling man, thought it was time I replaced my poor old Toshiba laptop as she was dying a slow and ever so painful death! I was stupidly excited when he told me he had decided to buy me a macbook pro! I did get it rather early lol, but I adore it. As you saw yesterday I did a you tube vid, which was done on the imovie program. I have spent the morning playing withe the kids, and sorting folders of photos in the iphoto program...many features to take advantage of in that program.

now before I do anything lol, Im going to have a little rest, Im a little worn out from coughing.
enjoy your Monday!
xox Courtney
enjoy your Monday!
xox Courtney
Hope your Tuesday is better!