Sunday, January 13, 2013

around the nook - Sunday Snippets

not much as happened around the nook this week, we have all been cooped up inside because of john and I being sick...I'm fine now, but John is not recovered. So things have been quiet here this week.
my tea cup humans have amused themselves with playing the wii...and also putting together the puzzles they got for Christmas from their nanna.
it started with lily, who randomly bought the box out and sat down quietly, this little independent 4 year old, finished the puzzle with barely any help from us!
  then Elijah got on board and there was silence in the house for an hour, it was truly blissful!

I had fun playing in photoshop making custom project life cards that suited my family and its needs!

I have some beautiful quilts made for me by one of my best friends  if you are into handmade quilts, go check her out! birthday quilt served the teacups with the makings of a pretty awesome fort!
As for me...I'm enjoying a few things this week, I am loving the book The Artist's way, also the old classic Little Women thanks to a girlfriend giving it praises.
and my planner...this is the first year I've really used the planner, with notes, reminders, ideas, affirmations, checklists, and a little doodle here and there....its been such a key component in implementing the word organized into my life this year.
 whats happening around your nook?
I am also playing along with Sunday Snippets with Tinnie Girl
Have a lovely Sunday
xx Courtney


  1. Gorgeous photos of your kids, how lovely for them to do some things independently and leave you to get better.

    1. thanks so much, they have totally fallen in love with puzzles, so now we are off to get them a few more! good for their hand eye co-ordination
      xx c


Thanks so much for the lovely comments! it makes my day to know that Im not babbling to myself!
Ink and Love